About Me

Good Food since 1998

I’ve been obsessed with healthy and delicious food ever since I was born. As a vegetarian for 23 years and a plant-based enthusiast for the previous two years, I absolutely love the feeling of being completely absorbed by incredible food, and I get such a thrill of sharing food with people and helping them feel the same way.

Change happens for the best…

Almost a year ago, I completed a Food Intolerance and Allergy test, which found out that I am intolerant to gluten, wheat, cow’s milk and Spirulina, so I had to figure out a new way of eating for me. This was quite a bit of a shake-up, and it’s taken almost half a year for me to get used to a new method of cooking and eating that’s just right for me. I’m now completely happy and comfortable, and feeling so much better, because of how and what I’m eating, which is why I’m so keen to help people find what’s right for them. Personalised eating and nutrition doesn’t have to be scary - it can still be fun, inspiring and incredibly delicious! And I would so love to help you on this journey because I know how much good food can mean to people. I resonate with you deeply.

Let’s come together…

I strongly feel that we are in a time where personalised nutrition is going to be huge, and people are going to really started investing in eating and living in a way that is right for them, as individuals. It’s a concept known as bio-individuality - realising and accepting that everyone is different, and will have their own journeys through life. Hopefully my recipes, creativity and informative content can reassure you that you can still cook the classic you’ve always loved, and indulge in those sweet treats that you can’t resist, but also eat in the most nutritious and healthy way possible for you. You can start to feel like the best version of you, no matter what stage of life you are in.

And even better? It can be fun. It can be exciting. It can be colourful and empowering and nourishing. It can also be simple and comforting and easy. Just let me show you…

  • The meals that I eat, and the recipes I shoot, are gluten free. If someone requests gluten free food as part of their meal plan or feasting menu, then this is what will be given. I do however cook for other diets to suit other people too (this is normally requested too).

  • A lot of my recipes are already plant-based, and I have used vegan-alternatives in the past for many clients, so yes. I can absolutely prepare vegan meal plans. I always clarify with recipients and clients exactly what they can and can’t eat before providing a service.

  • I do not cook any meat or fish. I always use vegan or vegetarian alternatives, and stay away from any ingredients which may include these foods in (i.e. gelatine or stock powders).

  • It all depends on what you would like me to make or do. Please see my ‘Services’ page to see my different services available and their costings.

